Dear IIMCians,
The Central Committee picked up the official panel led by Mr. Kalyan Ranjan for the IIMCAA Elections 2021 at a virtual meeting held on 20th July. IIMCAA President Mr. Prasad Sanyal presided over the meeting that was attended by Mr. Ranjan apart from CC and active members.
The Kalyan Ranjan Panel will be filing its nominations on 22nd July, 2021.
Kalyan Ranjan Panel
President- Kalyan Ranjan- HJ, 1990-91, Delhi
Executive President- Kitty Mukhrjee, EJ, 1996-97, Dhenkanal
Vice President- Harshendra Singh Verdhan, AD-PR, 2004-05, Delhi
Vice President- Kaushal Vishwakarma, HJ, 2008-09, Delhi
Vice President- Pratham Dwivedi, EJ, 2011-12, Delhi
Vice President- Prabhat Upadhyay, HJ, 2012-13, Delhi
General Secretary- Sadhna Arya- EJ, 2011-12, Delhi
Organisation Secretary- Neeraj Jha, RTV, 2000-01, Delhi
Secretary- Dadan Vishwakarma, HJ, 2010-11, Delhi
Secretary- Sugam Singhal, EJ, 2012-13, Jammu
Secretary- Atul Gupta, HJ, 2013-14, Delhi
Secretary- Jassem Ul Haque, UJ, 2016-17, Delhi
Treasurer- Badri Nath, ADPR, 2015-16, Delhi
Coordinator, IIMC Affairs- Shreesh Chandra Singh, HJ, 2012-13, Delhi
Executive Member- Simrat Gulati, AD-PR, 1984-84, Delhi
Executive Member- Nitin Pradhan, HJ, 1990-91, Delhi
Executive Member- Eshani Mathur, EJ, 2011-12, Amravati
Executive Member- Ajay Anand, AD-PR, 2011-12, Delhi
Executive Member- Gargi Bhardwaj, EJ, 2012-13, Dhenkanal
Thanks & Regards,
Ritesh Verma
Organisation Secretary IimcAlumniAssociation