Zafar Anjum | Convenor- International Meets, Connections 2022

Dear IIMCians,

Mr. Zafar Anjum (EJ, Delhi | 1995-96 Batch) will be Convenor for International Meets of Annual Alumni Meet- Connections 2022.

Mr. Anjum is President of Singapore Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association.

Thanks & Regards,

Sadhna Arya

General Secretary

Earlier Announcements:-

Samudra Gupta Kashyap | Convenor- State Meets, Connections 2022

Nitin Mantri | Auditor- IIMCAA Awards 2022

Puja Mishra | Creative Head- IIMCAA

Sadhna Arya | Joint Coordinator- Jubilee Celebrations, Connections 2022 | 1971-72 & 1996-97 Batch

Kitty Mukherjee | Coordinator- Jubilee Celebrations, Connections 2022 | 1971-72 & 1996-97 Batch

Madhur Kalra | Co Coordinator- IIMCAA Awards 2022

Simrat Gulati | Coordinator- IIMCAA Awards 2022

Sambit Mohanty | Convenor- IIMCAA Awards 2022

Brajesh Kumar Singh | Convenor- National Meet, Connections 2022

Mr. Rajender Kataria | Principal Organiser- Connections 2022

Connections 2022 Begins on 27 February, IIMCAA Awards Returns to Jury IimcAlumniAssociation

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