The Central Committee met at IIMC HQ, New Delhi on 12th December, 2022. IIMCAA President Mr. Kalyan Ranjan presided over the meeting that was attended by Executive President Ms. Kitty Mukherjee, General Secretary Ms. Sadhna Arya, Uzbekistan Chapter President Mr. Beruniy Alimov, Former General Secretary Mr. Animesh Biswas, Former Organisation Secretary Mr. Ritesh Verma, Former CC Member Mr. Shankar Pandit apart from Ms. Pinky Pradhan, Mr. Amit Gupta and Mr. Pankaj Vijay.
Minutes of the Meeting:-
1. CC deliberated possible income and expenditure on account of different initiatives and meets of annual alumni meet Connections 2022. It has approved a budget plan linked with a sponsorship target of 70 lakh rupees. Lower sponsorship support will force IIMCAA to cut down chapter meets expenses. Priority will be given to chapters contributing to the sponsorship drive.
2. Maharashtra Chapter has suggested a group medical insurance cover for IIMC Alumni. CC has decided to give it a try and has formed a five members committee to lead the campaign to explore willingness of alumni to subscribe to such insurance after negotiations on premium with companies by IIMCAA. A separate notification for the same will be issued very soon.
Thanks & Regards,
Sadhna Arya
General Secretary IimcAlumniAssociation