It was decided to constitute a National Council, to shape the future of IIMCAA and take major policy decisions. The National Council will constitute all members of the central committee and four (4) representatives of each chapter and each sub chapter. President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the Chapter and Sub-Chapter are essential three (3) among four. 4th representative has to be nominated/ selected by Chapter and Sub Chapter in its meeting. Chapters with more than 50 alumni in their area will be able to nominate/ select one additional representative effectively making them eligible for five seats in National Council. National Council will meet annually for two days.
Venue for this year council meet will be Jammu/ Kottayam/ Amravati/ Aizawl/ Dhenkanal or Goa. Dates will be any of the weekends of September except 7 and 8 September. Venue and dates will be decided following the discussions with chapters and sub chapters.