Dear IIMCians,
Its glad to hear about IIMC Alumni Association is going to be well organized itself. Hope this association would lead the all IIMCian in a better and broader direction. And this would be possible only if the leading committee represent every section socially, professionally and of course regionally.
So, I want to propose some names for panel of office bearer/ executive committee.
Vijay Pratap, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Rishi Kumar Singh , 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Rajeev Yadav, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Abhishek Kumar Yadav, 2008-09 Batch, HJ Delhi
Varun Shailesh, 2008-09 Batch, HJ Delhi
Soumya Jha, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Naveen Kumar, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
I think these people should be consider for the proposed panel which definitely include the diversity.
Vijai Pratap IimcAlumniAssociation