CC Recommends Scrapping IIMCAA Awards and IIMCAA Scholarships to Governing Council

Dear IIMCians,

The Central Committee met on 1st November, 2020 at IIMC HQ, New Delhi. IIMCAA Awards Co-ordinator Ms. Simrat Gulati presided over the meeting that discussed the possibilities of hosting Connections 2021 and items to continue or do away in next season.

Minutes of the meeting:-

1. The Central Committee discussed the IIMCAA Awards and IIMCAA Scholarships in detail. CC underscored the resources IIMCAA Awards consumes and manpower it requires, to conduct it every year, is very huge. 

Affording such a noble but expensive initiative looks not feasible considering the response it gets in terms of active participation, involvement in IIMCAA activities or even membership. Same is the case with IIMCAA Scholarships.

CC feels that the alumni and the students look at IIMCAA Awards and IIMCAA Scholarships as a third party event and not as a way of connecting, getting involved and giving back to the association in any manner. 

An organisation, such as IIMCAA, entirely dependent on man-hours volunteered by willing alumni and sponsors for its activities, cannot sustain one way initiatives. Curtailing the number of chapter level Connections meets every year to retain these initiatives looks futile.

The Central Committee has unanimously passed a resolution urging the Governing Council to discontinue the IIMCAA Awards from 2021. 

CC has resolved to recommend GC to not to add any new scholarship and let this initiative lapse when the five year commitments of respective scholarships comes to an end in 2023 and 2024.

2. CC has resolved to request GC to take up these two items on an urgent basis so that the organising team has clarity on what is on, what is off for Connections 2021.

3. CC has resolved to utilise the savings in raising the amount of fund it earmarks for IIMCAA Medical Assistance Fund, If GC clears the proposal to stop Awards in 2021 and Scholarships in 2024.

4. CC has decided to host the Annual Alumni Meet- Connections 2021 on 7th February, 2021 in Delhi, if situation and guidelines allow. A detailed plan and date for chapter meets will be decided and communicated in due course.

Thanks & Regards,
Ritesh Verma
Organisation Secretary IimcAlumniAssociation

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