Dear IIMCians,
IIMC Alumni Association Governing Council met virtually on 11th December, 2020. IIMCAA President Mr. Prasad Sanyal presided over the meeting that was attended by council members representing the central committee, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, North East, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Pune units. It discussed CC resolutions asking GC to scrap IIMCAA Awards and stop adding new Scholarships.
Minutes of the Meeting:-
1. The Governing Council unanimously rejected the proposal to stop the IIMCAA Scholarships and asked CC to retain the initiavite which provides 25000 INR Scholarships to 27 students at the moment. GC asked CC to explore adding more new scholarships to extend help to all needy students.
2. The Governing Council took note of the huge budget and manpower requirements that IIMCAA Awards require. It unanimously asked CC to restructure the IIMCAA Awards. Awards will be divided in two segments- first will cover felicitations picked up by the central committee, second will carry cash prize and cover professionals awards for alumni based on nomination and votes by IIMCAA Members only. The central committee will come up with a detailed plan and procedures for IIMCAA Awards 2021.
3. GC fixed the annual contribution to IIMCAA Medical Assistance Fund at 5 Lakhs INR every year which will not be taken back by CC if unutilised. It will add 5 Lakhs every year to the Medical Fund.
4. GC asked CC to start preparations for the annual alumni meet Connections 2021 and fix dates in accordance with COVID 19 protocols and guidelines.
5. GC Members raised the issues of Skill Enhancement Workshops for alumni; providing refurbished laptops to needy students and a bi-monthly or quarterly newsletter. CC has been asked to explore and get back on these issues.
Thanks & Regards,
Harshendra Singh Verdhan
General Secretary IimcAlumniAssociation