CC Restructures IIMCAA Awards to 12 Categories, Prize Money Raised to 50,000 to 1 Lakh INR

Dear IIMCians,

The Central Committee met at IIMC HQ, New Delhi on 13th December, 2020. IIMCAA President Mr. Prasad Sanyal presided over the meeting that was attended by IIMCAA Awards Coordinator Ms. Simrat Gulati, Organisation Secretary Mr. Ritesh Verma, Secretaries Ms. Sadhna Arya and Mr. Komal Badodekar, CC Member Mr. Nitin kumar, Active alumni Mr. Pratham Dwivedi and Mr. Badri Nath.
Minutes of the Meeting:- 
1. Annual Alumni Meet- Connections 2021 will be held in New Delhi on 7th February or 28th February. A final decision will be taken in the January meeting keeping in view time required for sponsorship, preparations and situations beyond our control due to COVID-19. Dates of chapter level meets will be decided in February after reviewing sponsorship.
2. IIMCAA Awards 2021- CC has decided to keep 12 categories for IIMCAA Awards. CC will select winners of five categories for felicitation. IIMCAA members will vote via email to choose winners for the remaining seven categories which will carry a cash prize. Nomination, by self or others, to these seven categories will be open for alumni but winners will be selected by registered IIMCAA Members only.
A detailed notification will be shared separately for the IIMCAA Awards 2021 rules and process. 
IIMCAA Awards 2021- Felicitation
A. Alumni of the Year
B. Public Service
C. Connecting Chapter of the Year
D. Connecting Batch of the Year
E. Connecting Alumni of the Year
IIMCAA Awards 2021- Prizes
F. Agricultural Reporting- 1,00,000 INR
G. Journalist of the Year (Publishing)- 50,000 INR
H. Journalist of the Year (Broadcasting)- 50,000 INR
I. Indian Language Reporter (Publishing), Excluding Hindi and English- 50,000 INR
J. Indian Language Reporter ( Broadcasting), Excluding Hindi and English- 50,000 INR
K. PR Person of the Year- 50,000 INR
L. Ad Person of the Year- 50,000 INR
3. IIMCAA Scholarships 2021– The scholarships will be coordinated with IIMC, on the first semester closure.
4. IIMCAA Medical Assistance Fund– CC has resolved to save 5 Lakhs every year from Connections sponsorship to allocate that to Medical Fund. Unlike previous years, this amount will not be taken back if unutilised. CC will keep adding 5 Lakhs every year to this fund and it will be a continuous process every year.
5. Golden and Silver Jubilee Batch Celebration-  IIMCAA will celebrate the Golden and Silver Jubilee batches at Connections going forward. It will seek help from alumni in identifying, locating and reaching out to alumni of these batches via its network, website and social media handles. 
1970-71 Batch is Golden Jubilee Batch and 1995-96 Batch is Silver Jubilee Batch for Connections 2021. We appeal to all to share the name, contact details of IIMC alumni of these two batches with us.
6. Connections 2020 Closing Ceremony– CC Has decided to keep the closing ceremony of Connections 2020 in Ranchi on 20th December, 2020. 
Thanks & Regards,
Sadhna Arya
Communication Secretary IimcAlumniAssociation

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