IMP: CC Meeting on June 2 at PCI, New Delhi

Dear IIMCians,

Monthly meeting of the Central Committee of IIMC Alumni Association will take place on June 2, 2013 at 1.00 PM at Press Club of India, New Delhi
Agenda of the meeting are as follows:-
1. Reporting of activites
2. Review of Membership Drive
3. Induction of new members in Central Committee
4. Formation of National Council
5. Non-activity in Madhya Pradesh Chapter
6. Model of the competition for next batch and financial aspects of the same
7. Selling of T-Shirts bearing IIMCAA's logo to generate funds to meet financial demands of activities
8. Appointment of Auditor to file I-T returns
Thanks & Regards,
Animesh Biswas
General Secretary, IIMCAA IimcAlumniAssociation

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