IMP | Maharashtra Chapter Meets on Sep 21 in Mumbai

Dear IIMCians,

We propose to hold the 7th meeting of IIMCAA, Maharashtra chapter at 4:30 PM on September 21 at El Cafe, Dadar East, Mumbai.

Agenda of the meeting:

1. Discuss and accelerate membership drive. Each participating member will suggest at least another IIMCian living in Mumbai for membership drive. 

2. To finalise visit Amravati campus to interact with the current batch .

3. To conduct open house for innovation in the field of communication and progress of our association.

4. To review the progress made in last one year, since inception of IIMCAA in Maharashtra. 

5. Any other issue raised with the permission of the president. 

Thanks & Regards.

Sourav Mishra

General Secretary, IIMCAA, Maharashtra IimcAlumniAssociation

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