Kanpur Sub Chapter | Praveen- President & Sindhuvasini- General Secretary

Dear IIMCians,

Inception meeting of Kanpur Sub Chapter under UP Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association held @ Z Square Mall on 13th July, 2014 (Sunday)

Shikha Singh, Sindhuvasini Tripathi, Vivekanand Singh, Anurag Gupta and Praveen Mohta attended the meeting . 

Meeting unanimously elected office bearers for the Kanpur Sub Chapter.
Praveen Mohta (2004-05) – President
Ms. Sindhuvasini Tripathi (2013-14)- General Secretary 
Mr. Anurag Gupta  (2013-14)- Treasurer 
Ms. Shikha Singh (2009-10)- Executive Member
Ms. Vivekanand Singh (2013-14)- Executive Member

Thanks & Regards,
Sindhuvasini Tripathi
General Secretary, Kanpur Sub Chapter, IIMCAA

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