Kochi- Kerala Chapter Meeting & IIMCAA Scholarships | 13 July, 2019

Dear IIMCians,

IIMC Alumni Association's Kerala chapter will host a small get together to award the IIMCAA Scholarships 2019 at Lotus Club, Presidents Room, Kochi on 13 July at 5.00 PM.

Malayalam Journalism students of IIMC South India Campus, Kottayam would be handed over the cheque of scholarships of 25000 INR each. Those who will receive 1st IIMCAA Scholarships 2019 are, Ms Teenu Thomas, Ms Noora T and Mr. Anand TA.

Kerala based alumni are requested to attend the meeting.

Thanks & Regards,
Madhur Kalra
General Secretary, Kerala
IIMC Alumni Association

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