MoM | Rajasthan Chapter Meeting | 1 February, 2014

Dear IIMCians,

Rajasthan Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association met in Jaipur on February 1, 2014. It was presided by President Anurag Vajpeyi and attended by more than one dozen alumni.
Minutes of the Meeting:-
1. Chapter shall meet on last Saturday of every month.

2. Appointment for vacant posts are as follows:-
Vice President- Sachin Saini
General Secretary- Sonam Saini
Secretary- Nandlal Sharma
Treasurer- Laxmi shankar Mishra
Organisation Secretary- Adarsh shukla

3. Chapter shall organise interactive sessions on regular basis. A blog to be started to record the contents of interactive sessions.

5. Membership Drive/ Renewal to be undertaken. Yearly fee is 500 INR.

Thanks & Regards,
Adarsh Shukla
Organisation Secretary, IIMCAA, Rajasthan IimcAlumniAssociation

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