Mr. Prasad Sanyal’s Panel Wins the IIMCAA Elections 2018 Unopposed

Dear IIMCians,
The Election Office of the IIMC Alumni Association Election for the year 2018 received nominations for all the contested posts from only one panel led by Mr. Prasad Sanyal. These nominations were received by the end of the nomination period i.e. 16th September, 2018. 
The 32 Member panel led by Mr. Sanyal, an alumnus of 2000-01 Batch, was backed by 60 alumni members as proposers. All the nomination papers received for various posts were scrutinized and were found in order and thereby approved.
Mr. Prasad Sanyal's Panel is hereby declared a winner in the IIMCAA Elections, 2018. 

Hearty Congratulation to Mr. Sanyal and the members of the new central committee of the IIMC Alumni Association.
The new team of office bearers of the IIMC Alumni Association will take charge on October 7, 2018 at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Association and provide leadership to the association for next two years.
Prof. Gita Bamezai
Election Commissioner
IIMC Alumni Association Elections, 2018 IimcAlumniAssociation

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