SAJA is offering $10,500 in scholarships this year to help students pursue careers in journalism.
If you’re a high school senior about to enter college, an undergraduate, or a student starting or continuing your graduate studies, and you’re pursuing a journalism career, here’s your chance to get help with your educational expenses.
- One $1,000 scholarship to a high school senior about to enter college;
- One $1,000 SAJA Engendered scholarship to an undergraduate college student writing on issues related to gender and sexuality (four-year or community college);
- One $1,500 scholarship to an undergraduate college student (four-yearor community college);
- One $1,000 SAJA Engendered scholarship to a graduate-level student writing on issues related togender and sexuality (four-year or community college);
- Two $2,000 scholarships each to graduate-level students;
- The CNN-SAJA Scholarship for Broadcast Journalism $2,000, for an undergraduate or graduate student with a demonstrated interest in broadcast journalism.
These annual monetary awards recognize the reporting abilities and commitment of emerging journalists. Students from across the United States, Canada and South Asia can apply for the awards. The judging will be conducted by SAJA professional members.
Applicants with financial hardship may be given special consideration. Recipients are expected to give back to SAJA by volunteering at the annual convention or at other events during the year. They also must provide an update of their journalist endeavors and achievements at the conclusion of the academic year.
Applicants must be:
- of South Asian descent (includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal,Pakistan and Sri Lanka; Indo-Caribbeans are also eligible) OR demonstrate an interest in South Asia or the Diaspora
- serious about pursuing journalism as a career and provide evidence they planto through courses, internships or freelancing
- one of the following: a high school senior about to enroll in an accredited college or university in North America; a current student in an accredited college or university (two-year or four-year) in North America; or a student enrolled or about to enter a graduate-level program in North America.
Note: College or graduate students graduating in May/June 2010 are eligible. Immediate relatives of SAJA Board members and judges are INELIGIBLE to apply.
A committee of judges appointed by the Board of SAJA will review the applications and evaluate them on a number of subjective and objective criteria, including interest in journalism, writing skills, reasons for entering journalism, financial need and participation and enthusiasm in SAJA.
Applications must be submitted using the online form below by 11:59 p.m.(Pacific time), Wednesday March 10, 2010. Applicants may be interviewed by phone or in person by a member of the scholarship committee. Winners will be notified in late March and will be honored at annual awards dinner to be heldin the summer of 2010 (date TBA).
Please fill out the online application form by clicking here.
11:59 p.m. (Pacific time), Wednesday March 10, 2010
Programs, activities and services described in this site are offered by SAJA Group, Inc. with the support of the South Asian Journalists Association and its members.