Have Your Say | DRAFT Constitution of IIMCAA | Deadline- 6 PM, 23rd September, 2017

Dear IIMCians,
IIMC Alumni Association is gearing up to adopt a new constitution at Annual General Meeting on 8 October, 2017. This DRAFT copy has been ratified by majority of the IIMCAA chapters. We have received few suggestions from Bihar, Karnataka, Punjab-Haryana-Himachal Chapter and Kanpur Sub-Chapter.
The Central Committee, at monthly meeting of September 2017, has decided to seek suggestions from alumni as well before taking further action in the process of adoption.
You are hereby requested to send your suggestions to us by 6 PM of 23 September, 2017 at alumni.iimc@gmail.com. Suggestions must be clearly worded and specific in nature with respect to sections and/ or sub sections. 
All the suggestions from three chapters and one sub chapter is produced, as it is from their minutes of the meeting, below for your reference in addition to DRAFT copy of the constitution.
Bihar Chapter
1. It went through the draft constitution and passed it unanimously. The chapter found everything okay except for one section which refers to the power of President of the Central Committee of IIMCAA. The chapter has decided to propose amendment to make this section more democratic.
2. The draft says that among other powers, the President has got the right to remove any member of IIMCAA if s/he is found to be working against aims and objectives of the association. The draft also says that the President has the right to dissolve an entire state’s chapter/sub-chapter for a similar reason. While the chapter does underscore the importance of the discipline, it also unanimously suggests that the member or the chapter concerned must get a fair chance to have their say before a disciplinary committee which should be constituted for the same. After hearing, the disciplinary committee must give its recommendations to the Central Committee, which, in turn, should take a final call on the matter.
Punjab-Haryana-Himachal Chapter
1. It went through the draft constitution. While all else was okay, the chapter felt that the following points needed a rethink. The chapter felt the need to amend section 5c, (6) 5 and G 2. 
A. One section which refers to the power of President of the Central Committee of IIMCAA. The chapter has decided to propose amendment to make this section more democratic. The draft says that among other powers, the President has got the right to remove any member of IIMCAA if s/he is found to be working against aims and objectives of the association. The draft also says that the President has the right to dissolve an entire state’s chapter/sub-chapter for a similar reason. While the chapter does underscore the importance of the discipline, it also unanimously suggests that the member or the chapter concerned must get a fair chance to have their say before a disciplinary committee which should be constituted for the same. After hearing, the disciplinary committee must give its recommendations to the Central Committee, which, in turn, should take a final call on the matter after taking a a two-third majority. 
B. The chapter is of the view that state chapters should have a say in the working of the national chapter. They oppose the undemocratic functioning of the central committee.
C. The chapter members also opposed the point of non acceptance of fee from foreign alumni and felt that there should be one uniform policy on the issue of membership fee.
Karnataka Chapter
1. Suggestions for Inclusion in Aims and Objectives Section
A. To provide a forum for all Alumni of IIMC to connect, meet and interact, to promote and support each other in all areas.
B. To encourage formation of chapters of the Association to increase participation of Alumni.
C. To organize lectures, symposia, workshops, conventions for the Alumni and also for the students of the College to share knowledge and experience and promote dialogue and debate.
D. To create awareness about the achievements, contribution and the rich heritage of the College amongst the Alumni, present students, workplaces, society and the media.
E. To encourage the Alumni to take an abiding interest in the progress and development of the Alma Mater.
F. Funds can be collected/ raised not just for the ‎Alumni Association but for the Alma Mater as well. So as to drive home the point that IIMCAA is the Alumni Association and thus could also be (one of the) stated objectives of the Alumni Association too. 
2. Suggestion for Inclusion in Audit Section- All the income, earning, moveable, immovable properties of the Association shall be solely utilised and applied towards the promotion of its aim and objectives only set forth in the memorandum of association and no profit thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present and past Members of the Association or to any person claiming through any or more of the present or past Members. No Member of the Association shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immovable properties of the Association or make any profit, whatsoever by virtue of his/her Membership
3. Annual Report to be shared with the respective Chapters (and Sub-Chapters) before it gets printed in the Souvenir of IIMCAA.
4. It’ll also be helpful that the Souvenir can also be mailed to the respective Alumni, and be charged for the same.
5. Immediate Past- President shall be an ex-officio member of the national council/ central committee.
6. With regards to the powers of the president, the powers vested in him/ her to singlehandedly start/ dissolve a ‎chapter/ sub-chapter, and the powers to remove/ change any office bearers of the central committee/ state chapters/ sub-chapters/ International chapters is too undemocratic and ergo, we believe a quorum will be a better alternative and better dissemination of the powers and is more democratic.
7. Presidentship should be reserved to anyone who’s be an alumni for at least 15 years. 8. Vice-President and General Secretary (or anyone from Central Committee) should be reserved for anyone who’s been an alumni for 5 years at least.
Kanpur Sub Chapter
1. The constitution should have a clause that specifically mentions any remuneration, or the absence thereof, for the members of council and committee at all levels. 
2. The committee should have a term of not less than three years, as against the currently proposed 2-year term. We feel that a 3-year term will provide committee with more stability and clarity in regards of IIMCAA proceedings nationally and internationally.
Go through it and make it a more inclusive constitution.
Thanks & Regards,
Mihir Ranjan

General Secretary

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