Mizoram Sub Chapter Formed: Irene Lalruatkimi President, Christopher Sailo General Secretary, Ezrela Dalidia Fanai Treasurer

Dear IIMCians,
IIMC Alumni Association's Mizoram Sub Chapter hosted its inception meeting on September 6th, 2018 at The Aijal Club, Aizawl. Meeting unanimously elected sub chapter committee and the office bearers are as follows.
President– Irene Lalruatkimi- EJ, Delhi, 2003-04 Batch
General Secretary– Christopher Z. Sailo- RTV, Delhi, 2008-09 Batch
Treasurer– Ezrela Dalidia Fanai, EJ, Delhi, 2010-11 Batch
Executive Member– Angela Lalrintuangi- ADPR, Delhi, 1998-99 Batch
Executive Member– K. Lalremsanga- RTV, Delhi, 2003-04 Batch
Executive Member– Lawmsangkimi Pachuau- EJ, Aizawl, 2011-12 Batch
Executive Member– Maria Grace Lalramengi- EJ, Aizawl, 2012-13 Batch
Executive Member– Nigel Hmingthansanga- EJ, Aizawl, 2012-13 Batch
Executive Member– JV Lalnunpuia- EJ, Aizawl, 2016-17 Batch
Executive Member– Amy Felicia Danielle- EJ, Aizawl, 2016-17 Batch
IIMCAA Mizoram Sub Chapter, a part of North East Chapter, resolved to meet at regular intervals.
Thanks & Regards,
Christopher Z. Sailo
General Secretary, Mizoram
IIMC Alumni Association
http://feeds.feedburner.com/ IimcAlumniAssociation

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