REQUEST: Contribution to IIMC Entrance Test Blog

Dear Friends,


We are posting some new and relevant stuffs at our Entrance Test Blog i.e. It is obvious that it can't succeed without your active help and contribution. So, We would request you to contribute for this blog.


Please write anything, you wish, which could help a candidate in preparation for written or GD or Interview during entrance test process of EJ/ HJ/ Ad & PR/ RTV or Oriya Journaism department.


We would appreciate if you provide a photograph with few lines about yourself with articles. Special request to Oriya Journalism Alumni to provide scanned copy of their article for the convenience of posting.


Entrance test is scheduled for next month so we need it quickly and urgently. Waiting for you articles….eagerly….


Mail at or marking the department name only in subject line, it is written for. IimcAlumniAssociation

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