Sunila Dhar To Head Official Panel in IIMCAA Elections 2014

Dear IIMCians,
Ms. Sunila Dhar from the 1st Batch of Advertising & Public Relations Department (1981-82), will head the official panel in IIMCAA Elections 2014
The Central Committee of IIMC Alumni Association had decided to propose a panel for IIMCAA Elections 2014 to take forward the work undertaken in its June Meeting.
Our current President (Myself) & General Secretary (Mr. Animesh Biswas) belong to HJ & EJ respectively. It was decided that the official panel would consist of President from Ad-PR and General Secretary from RTV.
The complete official panel would be announced after the CC Meeting on August 3, 2014. As notified earlier, voting will take place only if there is another panel.
Thanks & Regards
Mukesh Kaushik
President IimcAlumniAssociation

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