WALK – IN- for ACADEMIC ASSOCIATE / ACADEMIC ASSISTANT at IIMC on Aug 27 Leave a Comment / IIMC, IIMC Alumni Association, IIMCAA, Indian Institute of Mass Communication / By IIMC Alumni Association / August 22, 2013 IIMC is looking for Academic Associates and Academic Assistant for various departments. Here goes the advertisement, walk in on 27th at 11 AM http://www.iimc.nic.in/adve.html http://feeds.feedburner.com/ IimcAlumniAssociation
Bengal: Subhro President, Safi General Secretary, Amreen Treasurer, Piyali & Gourav Organisation Secretary April 17, 2020 / IIMC, IIMC Alumni Association, IIMC Connections, IIMCAA, IIMCAA Awards, IIMCAA Meeting Dear IIMCians, West Bengal Chapter has reconstituted its committee at its annual meet Kolkata Connections…
Pune: Sujata President, Gasha General Secretary, Deepak Treasurer, Dhruv Organisation Secretary April 16, 2020 / IIMC, IIMC Alumni Association, IIMC Connections, IIMCAA, IIMCAA Awards, IIMCAA Meeting Dear IIMCians, Pune Sub Chapter has elected Ms. Sujata Sabnis (1983-84 Batch) as President, Ms.…