MoM | Uzbekistan Chapter Ratified The New Constitution of IIMCAA

Dear IIMCians,
Uzbekistan Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association met at Lal Bahadur Shashtri Indian Cultural Centre, Tashkent on 31 August, 2017. Chapter President Mr. Alimov B.S. presided over the meeting that was attended by General Secretary Ms. Fotimakhon Makhsimova (2014), Mr. Ahmadjon Kasimov (1994), Mr. Fahriddin Nizamov (1994) and Guests Ms. Nazira Tashpulatova.
Order of the Meeting:-
1. Chapter President Mr. Alimov B.S. expressed gratitude to the participants for taking part in this meeting. 
2. The meeting began with congratulations on the 23rd anniversary of the first class of graduates of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication. 
3. Chapter President Mr. Alimov B.S. and other participants considered the draft version of the rules and regulations of IIMC Alumni Association.
4. Chapter President Mr. Alimov consulted Mr. Halim Saidov, Mr. Amir kul Karimov and Mr. Uktan Mirzayorov over phone and they all consented to ratify the constitution without any changes.
5. Members of Uzbekistan Chapter also discussed the opportunities and professional input between Uzbekistan State World Language University and IIMC related to education of young mid career journalists and plans to organise a forum in New Delhi with the participation of delegation from Uzbekistan. 
Decisions Taken at the Meeting:-
1. The Uzbekistan Chapter unanimously ratified the new constitution of the IIMC Alumni Association. 
2. To organise the forum in IIMC (Delhi) on development of the international journalism in Uzbekistan and India: practices. 
Thanks & Regards,
B. Alimov, President
F. Makhsimova, General Secretary
IIMC Alumni Association, Uzbekistan IimcAlumniAssociation

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