Informal IIMC 2005-06 Batch Get-Together

Early morning classes at 10:00 am, 615 lifeline bus, Orkutting at Computer Lab, shouting at canteen-walah for tasteless dishes, chasing Chawla sir for help, SMSing & passing chits during lectures, eating egg-roles at Ber Sarai, roaming around JNU & Munirka at evening, watching movies at Priya & Saket and late night drinking parties.

After 5 years, the IIMC 2005-06 Batch want to meet again on the same day and at the same place to celebrate five years of friendship and togetherness.

You are invited for an informal get-together on Sunday, August 1 at IIMC at 11:30 am to relive our unforgettable days again.

Don’t miss this opportunity and do bring our batchmates.

Animesh Biswas (9891789639)
Swadesh Singh (9810221991)
Shaghil Bilali (9910483377) IimcAlumniAssociation

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