MoM- Accra | Gabriel President, Zakari General Secretary of Interim Committee in Ghana

Dear IIMCians,

Ghana Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association met at Ghana Broadcasting Corporation Gardens in Accra on 28 September, 2019. Those who attended the meeting are- Mr. Gabriel Ahiabor, Mr. Zakari Musah, Mr. Masahudu Ankiilu Kunateh, Ms Matilda Tettey, Ms Adwoa Konadu-Yiadom and Ms Delali Sika. Mr. Akwasi Nkyu and Ms Marmle Ramani skipped the meeting after prior intimation and permission.

Minutes of the meeting:-

1. As part of measures to ensure proper organisation of the Chapter, members put in place an interim committee until new committee is elected.

President- Mr. Gabriel Ahiabor
General Secretary- Mr. Zakari Musah
Treasurer- Ms Adwoa Konadu-Yiadom
Executive Member/ Organiser- Ms Delali Sika
Assistant Treasurer- Ms Matilda Tettey

2. IIMCAA Headquarters should design a letter head for Ghana Chapter.

3. The Headquarters should also introduce Ghana Chapter to High Commission of India, Accra, Ghana. Ghana Chapter will write to Indian High Commission formally to inform about the Chapter. The Executives and members will book appointment and pay courtesy call on H.E. the High Commissioner.

4. The Chapter will continue with its monthly meeting until the Association is well organised before a new proposal would be made.

5. The next chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at GBC Gardens at 2.00 PM.

6. The Executives will meet on Saturday, October 19, 2019 to plan activities to the end of the year and set agenda for the next general meeting.

Thanks & Regards,
Zakari Musah
General Secretary, Ghana
IIMC Alumni Association IimcAlumniAssociation

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