NOTICE | IIMC Paper Reading Competition 2013

Dear Students,

IIMC Alumni Association is organizing a “Paper Reading Competition” for the current batch of IIMC. The competition is open for all students across departments and centers. The theme for the competition is: 

“New Media Powered Politics Vs Traditional Politics”

About the theme

In the age of Facebook and twitter, will the nature of political communication and electoral campaigning change? Do the old rules still hold water or have the rules been changed? How much will the new media impact electoral outcomes? Put your thinking caps on, get down to the grassroots, and start analyzing the changing contours of political communication in India, as the country gears up for one of the most crucial elections in its recent history. Conduct primary and secondary research, analyze trends and back your arguments with data. Case studies get brownie points.

Award Categories: English I Hindi I Odia I Campaign

Word Limit: Up to 1,500 words

Last Day to Submit Entries: 6 October, 2013

Announcement of Winners: 20 October, 2013


Who all can participate? How to submit entries?

– The paper presentation will be open to All Departments. 

– A student can submit their entry in only one of the four categories. 

– Odia entries may be submitted in PDF or JPEG format. 

– Students from Advertising & Public Relations stream can approach the paper from the lens of conducting an election campaign in the current media landscape. 

– The approach and recommendations must be backed by research. 

– All entries must come via HoD/ Centre Head only.


The Prize

Jury will select the winners in each category, and those students based out of Delhi will present their papers at the IIMCAA AGM on October, 20, 2013. Students based out of other locations will be felicitated and given the awards at an event organized by the IIMCA Chapters of their respective states. The jury will be composed of industry stalwarts and IIMC academia.

Three Prizes in each category: 1st 6,000 INR | 2nd 5,000 INR | 3rd 4,000 INR 

Evaluation Criteria

Your entries will be judged on five parameters:

a)      Originality of thought (25 per cent)

b)     Strength of argument backed by research (25 per cent)

c)      Power of expression (25 per cent)

d)     Structure of paper (15 per cent)

e)      Citations, attribution and referencing (10 per cent)

Mukesh Kaushik                Rahul Sharma                      Animesh Biswas

President                               Coordinator                          General Secretary IimcAlumniAssociation

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