Final Call: LOGO Design Competition closes on December 5

Dear IIMCians,

Since our monthly meeting scheduled for December 2 has been deferred for December 9 in the wake of a meeting with Mr. Sunit Tandon, DG, IIMC-cum-Patron, IIMC Alumni Associaton on December 5, We are extending the deadline to receive the LOGO designs for Association till 5.00 PM of December, 5.
We appreciate each and every LOGO received so far and expect more LOGOs would be presented in the coming days for the consideration of the Association.
Office Bearers will choose and adopt an official LOGO for the IIMC Alumni Association in its meeting of December 9.
Thanks & Regards,
Animesh Biswas
General Secretary, IIMCAA IimcAlumniAssociation

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